Podcast/vodcast features such as storytelling author talks, book discussions, library news, interviews, library programs, and library tours
are of great use to libraries. Patrons can get updates through RSS and can then listen or view them whenever they desire. I believe storytelling podcasts have become very popular because they can be listened to repeatedly at home or on a portable mp3 by our patrons.
Podcasts allow children all over the world to listen to stories being read, not just the limited local children groups who can attend story time in person.
We can show patrons how to use and subscribe to podcasts through RSS. They can also download mp3s to listen to on the move.
Library events for instance, author talks and book reviews can be recorded on library's webpage so that patrons can listen later to programs they have missed. Using podcasts for introductory library programs or book reviews gives patrons a more user-friendly alternative in comparison to the past where everything was only available in blocks of text.
The link below is my favourite storytelling.
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